Who am I?

I am Elina, a professional consultant trained in traditional Feng Shui with French master Agnes Dumanget, herself a graduate of Lilian Too's School of Feng Shui in Malaysia.

 Seeking a balanced, modern-life adapted approach to Feng-Shui, I later qualified as a professional Holistic Home Consultant with Laura Benko, author and an expert in modern Feng Shui in New York.

I have helped people from all walks of life to enhance, improve or radically transform their home environment through consultations and workshops.

Why My Feng-Shui Touch?

Our living and working spaces deeply impact your life's journey. 

I founded My Feng-Shui Touch to propose a renewed approach to Feng Shui, rooted in the natural harmony with nature that was the philosophy at the origins of Feng Shui, but free of fear-based superstitions.

My mission is to help you unlock fresh energies and project the best version of yourself in your home or business settings. 

My approach

My consultations take root in ancient Feng Shui wisdom, with a modern, non-superstitious approach adapted to Western individuals.

 I carefully assess the patterns in your space, like blockages in the flow of energy, symbolics at play, and positive vibrations to enhance.

I will deliver complete guidance to address your specific needs.

Whether energy alignment, redecorating, decluttering, or any combination of these, I strive to propose the most suitable recommendations for you and your space.

Your well-being always comes first and foremost. 

Together, let's embark on a journey of transformation, 

where every touch brings harmony and every decision brings empowerment.